Epidemiological and Clinical Profile of Acute Diarrhea, Among Young Patients Consulting at the Sino-Gabonese Friendship Hospital in Franceville


Hilaire Kenguele Moundounga  1 , Thiéry Ndong Mba  2 , Brice Arnaud Pambo-Pambo  3 , Gracy Kanute Mapagou  4 , Nancy Dorothée Mambandy Opassi  5 , Simon Mapasu  6 , Assane Ndiaye  7
Laboratory of Molecular and Cellular Biology, University of Sciences and Techniques of Masuku, BP 943, Franceville, Gabon. 1 , Laboratory of Molecular and Cellular Biology, University of Sciences and Techniques of Masuku, BP 943, Franceville, Gabon. Research Laboratory in Biochemistry, University of Sciences and Techniques of Masuku, BP 943, Franceville, Gabon. 2 , Animal Physiology Laboratory, University of Sciences and Techniques of Masuku, BP 943, Franceville, Gabon. 3 , Sino-Gabonese Friendship Hospital in Franceville, Gabon. 4 , Laboratory of Molecular and Cellular Biology, University of Sciences and Techniques of Masuku, BP 943, Franceville, Gabon. 5 , Sino-Gabonese Friendship Hospital in Franceville, Gabon. 6 , Laboratory of Molecular and Cellular Biology, University of Sciences and Techniques of Masuku, BP 943, Franceville, Gabon. 7
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Background: Despite recent improvements, acute diarrhea remains a public health issue. This study investigated the epidemiological and clinical characteristics of acute diarrhea in young patients at the Sino-Gabonese Friendship Hospital in Franceville, Gabon (2021-2023). Methods: This retrospective study analyzed data from patients diagnosed with acute diarrhea. Statistical analysis explored links between diarrhea prevalence and factors like age, sex, residence, and seasonality. Results: The prevalence of acute diarrhea was 14.75% (IC à 95 %: [0,14-016]). Significant associations were found with ages 1-5 (Odds Ratio = 1,18; 95% IC [1,02;1,35] p=0,023),  and 6-10 years Odds Ratio = 0,27; 95% IC [0,23;0,32] p≤ 0,001),, rural residence(Odds Ratio = 1,01; 95% IC [3,8;4,99] p≤0,001*), une p-value ≤ 0,001),, and rainy seasons (Odds Ratio =  0,81; 95% IC [0,7;0,91] p=0,001*) and (Odds Ratio = 0,80; 95% IC [0,7;0,94] p=0,007*). Sex was not a significant factor. Conclusion: Prevention and management efforts should target children aged 1-10 years, especially those in rural areas and during rainy seasons.


Epidemiological and Clinical Profile of Acute Diarrhea, Among Young Patients Consulting at the Sino-Gabonese Friendship Hospital in Franceville. (2025). Annals of Medicine and Medical Sciences, 50-54. https://ammspub.com/index.php/amms/article/view/83
Original Article

Copyright (c) 2025 Hilaire Kenguele Moundounga, Thiéry Ndong Mba, Brice Arnaud Pambo-Pambo, Gracy Kanute Mapagou, Nancy Dorothée Mambandy Opassi, Simon Mapasu, Assane Ndiaye

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This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License.

Creative Commons License All articles published in Annals of Medicine and Medical Sciences are licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License.

Thiéry Ndong Mba, Laboratory of Molecular and Cellular Biology, University of Sciences and Techniques of Masuku, BP 943, Franceville, Gabon. Research Laboratory in Biochemistry, University of Sciences and Techniques of Masuku, BP 943, Franceville, Gabon.

Laboratory of Molecular and Cellular Biology, University of Sciences and Techniques of Masuku, BP 943, Franceville, Gabon.

Research Laboratory in Biochemistry, University of Sciences and Techniques of Masuku, BP 943, Franceville, Gabon.

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