Exploring Laboratory Errors in Blood Transfusion: A Systematic Review
Blood transfusion, a vital medical intervention, is susceptible to errors in the laboratory phase, which can lead to severe consequences. This systematic review explores the literature on laboratory errors in blood transfusion, highlighting the impact of these errors on patient safety and outcomes. It also presents strategies for error prevention and management. The review underscores the potential for improvement in blood transfusion services through ongoing quality improvement efforts, a responsibility for all of us. After a comprehensive search and analysis of relevant literature published from 2014 to 2024 under PARSMA2020 guidelines, nine articles met the inclusion criteria, revealing a range of errors across different stages of the transfusion process. Preanalytical errors were found to be the most common. Procedural deviations, insufficient collaboration, and work fatigue among medical staff were identified as the causes of these errors. The review suggests that implementing educational and contentious training programs for medical staff, along with highly accountable policies, could significantly reduce these errors, thereby reducing total mortality and morbidity rates.
Copyright (c) 2024 Samah Gamar Aldeen Abdelhadi Mahmoud, Abdalla Eltoum Ali, Al-Neil M. Hamza

This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License.
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