The Role of Key Performance Indicators (KPIs) in Clinical Self-assessment of Quality of Service Offered to the Patients Under Chronic Hemodialysis in Low Income Countries


Etienne NTABANGANYIMANA  1 , Theophile NISHIMWE  2 , Jean Baptiste TUYISHIME  3 , Astrid Bora  4 , Benjamin Kyavulikira  5 , Eugene NYANDWI  6 , Joseph NTARINDWA  7 , Vincent LLOYD  8
Africa Healthcare Network, Rwanda. Gihundwe Hospital, Rwanda. 1 , Africa Healthcare Network, Rwanda. 3 , Africa Healthcare Network, Rwanda. Gihundwe Hospital, Rwanda. 4 , Africa Healthcare Network, Rwanda. Gisenyi Hospital, Rwanda. 5 , Medical Officer, Africa Healthcare Network, Rwanda. Gisenyi Hospital, Rwanda. 6 , Chief Consultant Nephrologist, Africa Healthcare Network, Rwanda. 7 , Chief Consultant Nephrologist, Africa Healthcare Network, Rwanda 8
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Introduction: Hemodialysis is the procedure using the dialysis machine and artificial kidney (dialyzer) in presence of the patient`s vascular access, to remove fluids and solutes (waste) in kidney failure patients, It gives supportive care and does not cure the kidney failure. Chronic kidney disease is clinical syndrome associated with definite change in kidney structure and function, it is mainly irreversible. KPIs are measurable metrics used to set goals in a certain period followed by assessment of the performance, and set the recommendations and the way forward. Methods: We analyzed the data which were recorded in Clinicea (electronic file) between February and November 2022 in early December 2022 using Key Performance Indicators (KPIs). Results: In all (3) centers, during the above-mentioned period, all sessions were recorded; more than 94% of patients, their Kt/V urea was recorded and the target was varying between 69% to 85%; almost half of the patients did their blood tests and less than three four met the target. Few patients had AVF (30% in November). The beds were under-used; no center has met 2 shifts per day at100%, the same for the nurses where there was less than 2.5 sessions per nurse per day. Conclusion: This study showed that KPIs are the best tools to monitor dialysis centers activity, as they help to keep updated about the current clinical state of patients for improving the quality of care and patients` quality of life especially in Low-Income Countries, where there is shortage of Physicians and Nephrologists.


The Role of Key Performance Indicators (KPIs) in Clinical Self-assessment of Quality of Service Offered to the Patients Under Chronic Hemodialysis in Low Income Countries. (2024). Annals of Medicine and Medical Sciences, 16-23.
Original Article

Copyright (c) 2024 Etienne NTABANGANYIMANA, Theophile NISHIMWE, Jean Baptiste TUYISHIME, Astrid Bora, Benjamin Kyavulikira, Eugene NYANDWI, Joseph NTARINDWA, Vincent LLOYD

Creative Commons License

This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License.

Creative Commons License All articles published in Annals of Medicine and Medical Sciences are licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License.

Theophile NISHIMWE

Registered Nurse

Jean Baptiste TUYISHIME, Africa Healthcare Network, Rwanda.

Registered Nurse

Astrid Bora, Africa Healthcare Network, Rwanda. Gihundwe Hospital, Rwanda.

Medical Officer

Benjamin Kyavulikira, Africa Healthcare Network, Rwanda. Gisenyi Hospital, Rwanda.

Medical Officer


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